Pupil Premium Funding
Please find below details of how our school uses our Pupil Premium Funding:
Keinton Mandeville Primary School is a small rural school providing education for 4 – 11 year olds.
We aim to inspire a love of learning for life through our broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum and our core values, which are embodied by our mission statement.
Mission Statement:
At Keinton Mandeville Primary School, our mission is to ensure that we believe in ourselves, think for ourselves and never give up on our learning or our dreams. We will be full of compassion and respect and free of prejudice and envy. We will pursue our goals with energy, creativity and enthusiasm, determined to make the best of ourselves and our talents, and make everyone proud.
Our Core Values are:
- Enthusiasm,
- Determination,
- Independence,
- Self-belief,
- Creativity,
- Respect,
- Compassion
- Energy
The school is a smaller than average primary school with 12.4% of children with SEN and 10.9% eligible for Pupil Premium funding.
The key objectives for the Pupil Premium Funding is:
- To improve outcomes of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities
- To close the attainment gap of disadvantaged pupils and their peers
- To raise aspirations
- To improve life choices and chances and develop cultural capital
When planning the Pupil Premium Funding spend, we have done so with three key foci:
- Teaching – ensuring that every child, especially PP children, access Quality First Teaching
- Targeted academic support – identification of needs, particularly within our PP cohort, and the use of targeted small group or 1:1 interventions to address this
- The whole child – including attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support and the development of cultural capital
Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 - 2026