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Keinton Mandeville

OWls Class 2024-2025

Year 1 PE will now be on a Monday, EYFS will have PE on a Friday - the children will need to be wearing their PE kit into school every Monday (Year 1) or Friday (EYFS) ready for their PE session!

EYFS Spring Term 1 - our theme this term is Up, Up and Away

Our termly planner is linked below; 


A copy of the EYFS timetable to show our general weekly routine is linked below;



Year 1 Spring Term 1 - their theme this half term is Mechanical Mayhem. The learning that will be covered during their History sessions is linked below; 

Also linked below is the half termly planner for the Year 1 Owls Class children, this shows what they will be doing in both their time spent with Mrs Bird in the mornings as well as the afternoons. 

A copy of the Year 1 timetable example is also attached below;


Owls Class Homework

Weekly homework expectations for Reception;

Reading is the most important homework!

We would like children to read  at least 3x weekly (more is always encouraged) - This is not linked to Golden Time but children will be individually rewarded with house points for their efforts in Reading.  

Reading diaries will be checked daily with house points for reading 3 x being awarded on a Friday.

The children will be sent home with their homework sheet, at the beginning of every half term with ideas of projects they could complete to support their learning of the themes we will be covering. Attached below is a copy of the SPRING Term 1 homework sheet just in case; 


The Year 1 Homework sheet is attached below;


EYFS Subject specifics - below is a breakdown of each of the areas that the children will be learning about throughout the half term with additional details;


This half term we will be focussing on the children being able to write cvc and words containing the digraphs from Phase 3. The children will also continue to have lots of opportunities to listen to stories as well as mark make to show their own meanings as well as for a variety of different purposes. We will be reading lots of different books and sharing their thoughts on the stories as well as carrying out activities based around these books. 

There will be opportunities within the provision for children to label and caption pictures and images with either words, phrases or sentences of their choosing.


 This term we will be focusing on;

 • continuing to develop the children`s subitising skills for numbers within and beyond 5, and increasingly connect quantities to numerals

• beginning to identify missing parts for numbers within 5

• exploring the structure of the numbers 6 and 7 as ‘5 and a bit’ and connect this to finger patterns and the Hungarian number frame

• equal and unequal groups when comparing numbers 

Understanding the World

 Up, Up and Away

As part of our work on Up, Up and Away we will be exploring the variety of different transport types, sorting them into whether they are used in the sky, on land or in water. We will be thinking about how transport has changed through history and exploring pictures of transport in the past and discussing why things have changed.


In our science focus sessions this half term the children will be exploring forces and motion in relation to our transport topic, conducting some practical experiments to explore things like push and pulls, friction and magnets.

 Expressive Arts and Design

We will be exploring creating artwork to reflect transport. The children will have opportunities to complete observational drawings of different types of transport, using shapes as a way to show a chosen vehicle, designing a hot air balloon and using toy vehicles to create marks.

 Physical Development

This half term the children will continue to refine their fine motor skills through both practical activities as well as targeted work on their letter formation and development of their strength and stamina. 

In PE the children will be exploring Gymnastics- with a variety of activities which include a focus on the children developing their ability to move their bodies as well as creating routines using movement.

 Communication and Language

We will be developing the children`s ability to listen and respond to a variety of stories which are either our literacy focus texts as well as the books we read at various points within the day. We will encourage the children to share their thoughts and ideas throughout the day during group activities as well as during their individual explorations. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Our PSHE focus this half term is Managing self: Taking on challenges

In this unit, children will understand why we have rules, the importance of persistence and perseverance in the face of challenges, learn how to communicate effectively with others, practice 'grounding' coping strategies, and to learn new skills that will help them show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.