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Welcome to Falcons 2024/25
Weekly Homework Expectations for Falcon's children.
Read 3 x weekly (more is always encouraged and will earn house points!) – Reading diaries need to be signed to earn 10 minutes of Golden Time.
TT Rockstars – The expectation is either to complete 3 x 3 minute sessions or 9 x 1 minute sessions over the course of the week. The children should use Studio, to complete these sessions They will also earn a further 10 minutes of Golden Time.
Reading Diaries will be checked on Thursdays morning and TT Rockstars will be checked on Friday morning.
Topic Homework will be set during the first week of each half term. The Topic home sheet can be accessed via the link below.
Click here for Falcon's Medium Term Plan Summer 1 2023/24
We will be reading our new class text Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. This book ties in nicely with our History topic: The Battle of Britain.
We will be writing story openers set during wartime.
We will have regular handwriting and spelling lessons.
In this half-term, we will be focusing on Place value, Addition and Subtraction.
We will continue to focus on learning our times tables facts up to 12 x 12.
Year 5 : Living things and their Habitats
Year 4: Living things and their Habitats
The Battle of Britain
Our PHSE topic is Families and relationships.
Christianity -Agape
Our lessons this half term cover: E Safety and collaborating online.
PE will be Athletics and will be on Wednesday afternoons unless you are informed otherwise. Swimming will be on Wednesday mornings this term.